Saturday, January 26, 2013

Article Highlights

The Unexplained Cruelty of Africa’s Emaciated Fuhrer
by Getahune Bekele
              Madmen such as Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia, Adolf Hitler of Germany and comrade PolPot of Cambodia occur occasionally in all societies around the world and kill thousands before they are killed or captured. The pain they cause however, takes hundreds of years to heal. In May 1991, one such individual with unctuous and insincere personality appeared on Ethiopian television prime time news, surrounded with heavily armed Tigre sycophant, made supercilious and obnoxious by the victory over the communist regime of the time.

Some of us could see that the boorish smile of the thin-skinned tyrant was tinged with cruelty. Then he delivered his first speech, a subterfuge, threadbare plot designed to divide and rule the impoverished nation called Ethiopia. He also let loose a fearsome tirade to the Amharas. Today, that satanic virtuoso is 21 years old; and under his brutal rule, Ethiopia is in the throes of genocide. Although tribalism is obsolescent in Africa, it forms parts of Ethiopia’s constitution in order to pave ways for the future total disintegration of the nation.Zenawi will die drooling in anticipation of incessant tribal wars from which his beloved Tigraye republic would emerge unscathed and continue to exist by keeping Ethiopians at war with each other. Why is this mad man not charged for war crimes committed inside Somalia since 2006-2012? how could the ICC charged Sudan pres Omar Albashir for crimes committed on the people of Darfur and let Zenawi off the hook for the same crimes such as the Arbagugu massacre (1991), the Adebabaye Iyeuses massacre (1993), the Nebs Gebeya massacre (2010), the ethnic cleansing and genocide crimes committed in western Gonder for almost 21 years, and for war crimes he committed in 2005 in Addis Ababa? Why is the international criminal court reluctant to issue arrest warrant for the Bone chilling crime committed in southern Ethiopia’s Benji Maji district of Gura Ferda area between March and April 2012? In just less than two weeks more than 80,000 Amharas were evicted from their homes empty handed under the supervision of a dullard, deputy PM and Foreign minister Haile Mariam Desalegn, a southerner, and his right hand operate, Shieferaw Shigute, with Zenawi providing the cover as he still toadies to the westerners. Isn’t this mass deportation a crime under international law? Since Lieutenant colonel Adolf Eichmann deported 400,000 Hungarian Jews in just 3 months in 1944,out of which 15,000 were sent directly to Auschwitz death camp, the world has not seen 80,000 deported (in two weeks) during peace times. This perfidious act makes Zenawi a byword for unexplained cruelty and mercilessness. “If we don’t like the color of their eyes, we have the right to chase them away…” this was the genocidal statement of PM Meles Zenawi, and such is the logic behind his mass deportation, persecution and mass slaughter of the Amharas. Since he was appointed supreme ruler of Ethiopia by westerners at the infamous London conference, to commit acts of terror in the Horn of Africa, the tyrant has never disappointed his masters. He devastated the region by exporting terror to Somalia, Eritrea and Southern Sudan. However, currently, with the rise of Kenya as the region’s superpower, Zenawi has become not just a liability but also a source of embarrassment to the likes of Barack Obama and David Cameron. Usually when a despot is no longer useful to them, westerners would simply arm his opponents to depose him or send secret service agents to shoot him dead.Nevertheless, it seems they no longer use this covert operation under the present world order and with that, they don’t know what to do to get rid of Zenawi. Nor do the brutalized Ethiopians themselves know what to do to the man who ruled them with iron hand for more than two decades. Gripped by the mortal fear of the repeat of the 2005 massacre, they remain undemonstrative while the emaciated little Fhurer with unexplained cruelty towards them, continue to commit horrific war crimes, ethnic cleansing and pillaging with no fear of the law or the so-called international criminal court, even after the successful prosecution of Liberian war lord Charles Taylor.

TPLF Manifesto, Amhara was labeled as #1 enemy of Tigray “The forgotten people” Why is the Ethiopians’ blood so thin? Mekonnen Workineh, Norway, Nov 2012

        Analogously , the Nazi manifesto of 1920 was anti-Semitic, anti-capitalist, anti-democratic, anti-Marxist, and anti-liberal. Anti-Semitic was number one manifesto of Nazi Hitler and Anti-Amhara is number one manifesto of TPLF.

Hitler murdered 6 Million Jews. What happened 60 years ago is still fresh in the minds of Jews and is still haunting Germans, especially those whose family members were involved. Nazi criminals are still being hunted around the world and being brought to justice. TPLF murdered more than 8 Million Ethiopians to date (G/Medhin Araya, former TPLF financial head). In the 2007/2008 senses 2.5 Million Amharas perished into the thin air; . Ethiopia has been under siege for the last 21 years by TPLF backed by the European Union, USA, and the United Kingdom. 1000s of Anuakes residences were red labeled and were massacred in a day light by this regime. Ogaden region was curtailed from international eye and mass murder, gang rape and torture crime is being committed by this same regime( , tens of thousands of Oromos, the majority group of the country, are languishing in jail all over the country. Tens of thousands are being evicted even this time, TPLF regime is dehumanizing the Ethiopian people, torturing and committing savage crime against poor farmers, elders and children. Involved in human trafficking crime, Hundreds of thousands are leaving the country every year, thousands dying in the desert, drawing in seas and rivers, facing abuse, prison and death in Middle East, queuing in front of immigration offices around the world, crowding foreign prisons, the list of ordeal could go for days. When will the international community open its eyes and see what is happening to Ethiopian people. Why do Ethiopians go exile? Because Ethiopia is poor? Because Ethiopians are not hard working? Because Ethiopia does not have natural resources to feed its people? The answer to all the above questions is NO The reason for all this is administration problem. Billions of dollars is flying out of the country illegally 11.7 Billion until 2009 (, Fertile land of Ethiopia is being given away almost for nothing; Multinational corporate brag of feeding the world from Gambella region alone. ( True Ethiopian people are weak at this time; True TPLF is strong with the help of the west in the name of stability. But how long will that last, why and how did Ruanda genocide happened? What was the recipe for that? What is the guarantee that such thing would not be repeated in Ethiopia if pushed to the edge? How long does iron fist last? I urge all international community specially the Obama administration, the Cameroun administration, the European Union, to stop propping minority ethno centric fascist regime to undermine Ethiopian people. Victory for Ethiopians! Contact me:


  1. For every child who is dying of hunger/famine and lack of vaccination in Ethiopia, there is a tplf child who has just stolen his/her food and vaccination out of it.

  2. Dear Mekonen,
    Thank you for caring enough to write about the plights of the people of Ethiopia in the hands of the TPLF, and their manifesto. Thank you for urging the international community to stop helping the crazy ones working for Meles Vision!!
    Thank you for doing this. I hope we will succeed in undoing the nightmare of situation in Ethiopia.!!

  3. First I would like to say thank you for you in put in this matter, both article emphasis Melese's cruelty by Comparing with other dig tater we know. well they may kill as many thousand and Millions people as he did. my question to you what is the motivation? and what is the states the Jewish people in Germany, and the Amara people in Ethiopia? are the Amara latest immigrant in Ethiopia? what was the Adolf Hitlers dream for German, Mussolini in Italy, even Mengistu our blood thirsty evil man, what all this people have in common.

  4. ምኒልክ እና አርሲ

    ወርቁ ፈረደ

    ኢትዮጵያዊው ቢስማርክ ዳግማዊ ምኒልክ፣ አገር ለማስገበር ካደረጓቸው ዘመቻዎች ውስጥ ትልቅ ምከታ የገጠማቸው አርሲ ላይ ነው፡፡ ምኒልክ በአርሲዎች ክንድ ተከታታይ ሽንፈት ከቀመሱ በኋላ፣ በራስ ወልደ ገብርኤልና በራስ ዳርጌ እልክ አስጨራሽ ዘመቻ አማካኝነት፣ አሸንፈው አርሲን ወደ ግዛታቸው ቀላቀሉት፡: በጦርነቱ ከአስገባሪውና ከገባሪው ወገን አያሌ ወታደሮች አልቀዋል፡፡ ውጊያው የተካሄደው፣ነፍጥ በታጠቁ የንጉሱ ወታደሮችና ከጦርና ጋሻ ፈረስ ውጭ ምንም በሌላቸው የአርሲ ጎበዞች መካከል በመሆኑ፣ ከተከላካዩ ወገን ያለቀው በቁጥር እንደሚልቅ እሙን ነው፡፡ የአርሲ ጦርነት ከተካሄደ ከጥቂት አመታት በኋላ፣ ወደ ኦሮሞ ምድር የደረሰው ደ ሳልቪያክ የተባለ የፈረንሳይ ሀዋርያ ከአርሲዎች በሰበሰበው መረጃ ተመስርቶ እንደጻፈው፣ ራስ ወልደገብርኤል የአርሲዎችን አይበገሬነት ለመስበር ባንድ ቀን ብቻ የአራት መቶ አንጋፋዎችን ክንድ አስቆርጠዋል፡፡ይህ ጻሀፊ፣ ክንዳቸውን ካጡት ትልልቅ ሰዎች ጥቂቶቹን ባይኔ በብረቱ አይቻለሁ ብሏል፡፡

  5. ይህ ለማመን አስቸጋሪ የሆነ የበታሪ ታሪክ ነው።
    ምኒሊክ ምንም እንኳ የታወቁ የጦር ሰው ቢሆኑም
    ለሰው አዛኝና እሩህሩህ ሰው እንደነበሩ ነው የሚታወቀው
    ለዚህም ማስረጃ አጴ ምንሊክ የጎጃሙን ንጉሥ ንጉሥ ተክለሃይማኖትን በጦርነት ቆስለው ከማረኳቸው በኅላ እንዴት አስታመው እንዳዳኗቸው አገር የመውቀው ምስክር ነው። በፊት ጡት ነበር አሁን ደግሞ እጅ ነገ ድግም የአንድ ሺህ አሩሲ ብልቶች ቆረጡ ትኩስ ወሬ እንደምንገኝ ጥርጥር የለውም።
